Jun 5, 2021
Follow the self-published indie book THE FRINGE KNIGHT by Daniel Doing for all the adventures of Erie's own super hero!
Another audio delight for your ears!
Super guests 'Jack' Russell Moran and Justin 'The Owl' Osgood jump into one of 2008's finest by Mike Benson... Black Spectre is out...
May 4, 2021
Follow the self-published indie book THE FRINGE KNIGHT by Daniel Doing for all the adventures of Erie's own super hero!
Long overdue, but timely in a way, since all I could manage this week was to edit...
But have a right, royal treat for you! The Power O'Chad lends his voice to read...
Nov 5, 2020
Sponsored by Hello Headphones & Dreamland Comics
High Priest of Khonshu Rey is joined by special guests, fellow Loonies Corey Hardiman and Rey's very own better half, Eef to lend their vocal talents for another read through of a Moon Knight comic -
PHASE OF THE MOON: Waning Gibbous
Jul 8, 2020
Sponsored by Hello Headphones & Dreamland Comics
It's time for something a little different!
You can either whip out your issue which is the focus of this episode, or you can be lulled by the audio book which unfolds before your very ears!
PHASE OF THE MOON: Waning Gibbous