May 14, 2018
Loony, Loonie, Looni!
I know, right?
"What the hell is Rey on?? I mean, he just released a podcast episode yesterday and had only JUST got in the latest OVER THE MOON newsletter to complement he's writing ANOTHER newsletter?"
I know, dear reader - I've gone slightly troppo.... nah, actually, I just want to get ahead of the game again and write to you, fair listeners and readers. As is tradition amongst ITK, we encourage mixing things up, adding a bit of variety and keeping things lively and on your toes... that's no less the case here, as we do another, "Friends of ITK" Spotlight! Previous guests had been Chris from Defenders TV Podcast, and Connor from Sons of the Dragon: The Immortal Iron Fist Podcast - both were so much fun, we thought it'd be good to do a semi-regular segment, where we get to know more about our fellow Loonies and podcasters!
Rick's Top 4 Isla Ra (Desert Island) Comics: ???
Yep, I'm not going to give anything away! :) It'll be a surprise on the episode, and similar to last time, depending on where the comics are set, we'll be heading there to soak in the atmosphere! Yessiree, we'll meet up at Gena's diner and then take Lockley's cab (or the Mooncopter) to wherever we need to go!
Since the comics will be a mystery until the episode, why not send in your thoughts on what your Isla Ra books would be? What four books made the biggest impact on you in your time as a comic reader? What has been the most memorable? Drop a line via any of the platforms shown below -
Alrighty - am excited!
Have a great week Loonies and be sure to tune in late weekend or next Monday and join us in getting to know Loony Rick just that little bit more!
May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,
Proud Member of The Collective