Mar 25, 2018
Hello Loonies!!
Another late newsletter but I've crept in there again and have snuck it in before we release the next episode! :P
After the awesome fun of covering the Damnation event from Donny Cates and the relevant tie-ins, we are taking a short break as Inner Demons - A Ghost Rider Podcast and Sons of the Dragon: The Immortal Iron Fist Podcast take the reins to cover the next few issues, as part of our own crossover between podcasts! So be sure to keep your eyes out for those podcast episodes if you want to continue following the fun reviews we have for that event.
We also have had a great time with an expanded panel including our third High Priest Rebecca, and special guest Tommy, joining in on the Damnation reviews!
This time around, the two High Priests Connor(Shu) and Rey return to our standard format of two reviews for all you Loony listeners! This week we got a continuation of the two arcs which we have previously been covering (seems ages ago now!!) :
CLASSIC RUN: THE HULK! VOL. 1, ISSUE#12 - "The Colour of Hate"
MODERN RUN: MOON KNIGHT VOL. 5, ISSUE#3 - "The Bottom, Part III of VI : To The Bone"
We are very pleased to also announce we have another set of guest narrators for this episode too - none other than Doc and Adam from the Attilan Rising - An Inhumans Podcast ! If you love Marvel, and love more than just the street level characters, you'll love this podcast! It covers ALL Marvel titles that include any Inhumans whatsoever, and they have had a fun time reviewing the TV show as well as writers and artists on their show! (Recently they interviewed Daniel Kibblesmith!) Highly recommend their show! They are also part of The Collective which is the same podcast network we belong to...a rich repository of comicky and TV/film goodness for you!
Be sure to drop us a line and follow along to the reviews! You can catch us on any of the thingama-jigs below -
Alrighty then! Am going to prep for the show, but as always thank you so much for sticking with us! We may get stuff over late, but we are still as passionate as ever to share and spread the good word of Moon Knight!! Looking forward to reviewing these comics....hope to catch you at the Overvoid!!
May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,
Proud Member of The Collective