May 29, 2019
Hewwwwo Fellow Loonies!
After a very bumpy last week which involved a virus and a week off work, I'm glad to say that this High Priest is back to 100% and ready to take on the next newsletter for your sweet little eyes!
We are OH SO close now to our big centennial episode, but that makes our next episode - episode 99 - no less appealing or important. Funnily enough we are granted with another ISLA RA Session, thanks to the phase of the Moon for this coming weekend -
And you read right, we have another FIRST TIME Loony on the show, Midkine Hitsuzen! I know I say it alot but we here at Into the Knight feel absolutely blessed by Khonshu, that we've had so many Loonies come on the show and share their love for not only Moon Knight, but for comics in general. I had a little count the other day and discovered that we have had no less than 20 Loony guests (!) on the show in the 99 episodes which we've done so far (well, we've actually done 100 episodes if you count our Episode 0!) That's something that we are very proud of and we encourage more Loonies to raise their hand and ask to be onthe show - we'll make it happen, don't you worry!!
Anyway, back on track - I had the honour of chatting with Midkine (aka MK) for his Isla Ra books, as well as the usual core questions we ask all those who visit Grant Mansion - how he got into comics; how he got into Moon Knight; and then another one of MK's passions and that being his visits to the many varied and rich comic book conventions over at his homeland of the Philippines.
It is a MASSIVE chat, so be prepared to bring along your favourite beverage and just soak in the 3+hour chat I had with our good man, MK...! MK's stories about the local scene and artists of the Philippines was drop dead fascinating and without spoiling too much, MK goes into some Filipino mythology which I totally dug!
As for whether or not you'd like to take a sneaky peek at MK's books - the books we discuss on the upcoming episode, take a little read below...
Midkine's Top 4 Isla Ra (Desert Island) Comics: ???
As always, we aren't giving anything away! Below you'll find encrypted links to Midkine's books. These will be in the show nots as well, but if you want to prepare for the show and discover what books Midkine has chosen - and read them ahead of our discussion - then look no further than below -
In conjunction with this, fellow Loony/podcaster/Kings Comics staff member Wayne has GRACIOUSLY donated some nifty prizes for three lucky Loonies!
There will be three prize packs to give away (containing an array of Moon Knight comics to add to your collection), and the winners will be drawn and announced on our 100th episode! All you need to do is email to us ( your name, postal address and answer this question correctly -
"What material is Moon Knight's armour made out of, in 'Vengeance of the Moon Knight' ?"
The first three correctly answered entries, drawn out on the show will receive their prize packs!!
If you can't make it on our show like Midkine, why not drop us a line to share your fandom of Moon Knight? We always love to hear from you and we love giving shout outs on the show from all the wonderful people we come across.
You can find us on any of the social platforms shown below -
If you DON'T want your comments broadcast, please just add, "(DNB)" at the end of your comment, and we'll be sure not to broadcast it. We'll pick a few comments from here and discuss on the show!
Finally, I hope you all have a mighty fine rest of the week - be good to your friends, love your family and even what you love! Whether that be comics, or gaming, or drawing or's too short to not enjoy the simple things in life, so be sure to make some time for yourself and do the stuff that you, or you and your loved one, wants to do!
Ok, enough always a huge thanks to you all (and a BIG thanks once again to Josh and Dustin for helping out with episode guys are LEGENDS! Top blokes!) for sticking with us... don't you worry - we've only just turned the corner in our first 100 episodes...there's plenty of shenanigans and mularkey to come!!
May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,
Proud Member of The Collective